Media Pass

Whether it’s your first time, or your fiftieth, once you emerge through the Fort Pitt Tunnel, a world of possibility unfolds.

446 bridges. 90 neighborhoods. Unlimited possibilities.


Media Trip Request Form

Fill out the form below to be considered for future collaborations with VisitPITTSBURGH

Personal Information

Social Media

If you think you might post to social media during/after your stay, we'd love to engage with your content.

Potential Coverage Details

If applicable
If known
Topics of Interest
You can select multiple options
If you selected "Other" above, please tell us more in the box below:

Proposed Travel Details

Hosting requests will be assessed and granted as availability of resources and budget allows. If we are unable to fully host your stay, we could still offer you access to our VisitPITTSBURGH Media Pass to help you explore our city on your own. Please note whether this is of interest.
If attending a group trip, are you available to fly in the evening before the tour is slated to begin?
If attending a group trip, do you need to arrive home/at your next destination by a specific time?
If applicable
Please indicate any specific activities or areas of interest. Please note: while we are open to suggestions, this may not be applicable if you are attending a group trip
Please indicate if there are specific hotels you’d be interested in; if you are traveling with a guest, do you need one or two beds?

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