GlobalPittsburgh spotlights and accelerates international connections in the Greater Pittsburgh region and around the world - sparking economic growth and cultural diversity by linking local people and organizations with incoming global leaders and international newcomers. The GlobalPittsburgh CONNECT membership program provides a year-round schedule of events and activities to help newcomers get to know their community and to bring together globally-minded people from all walks of life. GlobalPittsburgh helps recruit international students to the region through its Study Pittsburgh initiative and connects international studetns and professionals with globally minded people in the region through member activites and events. GlobalPittsburgh also creates itineraries and facilitates introductions through the U.S. Department of State's International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) and other international programming agencies in many fields, including energy, environment, life sciences and medicine, education, business, technology, clearn/green design, advanced manufacturing, arts and culture, government, finance, social services, law and other areas.